服部 英雄 本田 佳奈
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究科紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.13, pp.1-26, 2007

Following Jonai Jutakushi, we recorded interviews with seven individuals at Jonai Jutaku (城内住宅). The first interviewees were Mr. and Mrs. Nakao. Mr. Nakao has experienced air raids on both Tokyo and Fukuoka (Tokyo Daikushu and Fukuoka Daikushu). He made aircraft parts for sea planes at the underground factory in the Wajiro Mountains as a part of the labor mobilization campaign (Kinro Doin). The trial flights of the completed sea planes were conducted at Gan-no-su airport, but most of the aircraft were duds and didn't fly. The second couple interviewed was Mr. and Mrs. Yoshida. Mr. Yoshida fled Pusan, losing everything his family owned in the process. In addition, after he returned to Japan, his older brother died. The next interviewee was Mr. Matsuda, who was mobilized for labor as a coal stoker on a steam locomotive (蒸気機関車石炭くべ). He also witnessed air raids on Fukuoka, and his brother was killed in the field. There was a large old nettle tree in Jonai Jutaku. At one time this area had been a drill court and the nettle tree was the marker for foot races. Those who came in last had to run another lap. The soldiers have strong memories of this tree. The fourth interview was conducted with Mr. and Mrs. Kobayashi. They were asked about their memories of the Fuku-Haku area(福博地域) in Fukuoka City during the Taisho and Showa periods.
服部 英雄 本田佳奈
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究科紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.12, pp.111-148, 2006

There is a still residential area that is called Jyonai-jyutaku (城内住宅 : houses in the castle),in the Maizuru (舞鶴公園) park. This park is in ruins of the Fukuoka castle before. Jyonai jyutaku House was constructed for people struck by the World War II damage, and so that those from the oversea land who repatriated it might live. They were the people who had lost all the properties for the war. 60 years passed after the war had ended. The move is requested to each Jyonai house, for the purpose. of integrate Oohori park (大濠公園) with Maizuru park and to build the great central city park. This residential area existed in Sengo (戦後) ,the age of postwar days. However, if the Sengo days ends, being demolished is a fate of this town. We thought that we will make the record concerning this town. And, the interview investigation was done. Six representatives gathered, and the meeting that heard the story was held first. Then, the memories story of this house in which it lasted 60 was heard. Case of the married couple named Mr. /Ms. Kobayashi who lives in this house, the husband put on the khaki soldier, went to Philipino Negros island, had a narrow escape from death, and returned alive. The wife remained in Fukuoka, her houses was burnt in the damage of the air raid by the U.S.Army. Mr. Kobayashi is preserving the diary in the military forces age. Such a pocketbook is very valuable. It is possible to examine it comparing the both release and the description of the pocketbook. The talk becomes very concrete. These story talk about non-humanity that the war brings.
山村 ひろみ
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究科紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.12, pp.39-56, 2006

Este ensayo tiene como objetivo hacer un estudio contrastivo de los comportamientos de las formas verbales del pasado en frances y en espanol, basandose en los datos hallados en tres obras cortas de Agatha Christie. Como resultado se destacan los siguientes puntos: (1) la funcion del "pasado del pasado" asignada al pqp. en frances no esta solo en senalar la anterioridad de una situacion a alguna otra situacion pasada sino tambien en denotar una situacion que tuvo lugar en el mundo NO-comentado. Es decir, el pqp. siempre tiene alguna relacion, aunque negativamente, con el "mundo comentado" basado fundamentalmente en el momento del habla. Esto se comprueba en el hecho de que el pqp. en fances aparezca con frecuecia en la transcion del "mundo narrado" al "mundo comentado" o del "mundo comentado" al "mundo narrado", (2) En cambio, el pqp. en espanol que aparece solo esporadicamente se refiere solo a una situacion que denota la anterioridad a alguna otra situacion concreta que, a su vez, es anterior al momento del habla, (3) la anterioridad que denota el ps. en espanol a otra situacion pasada esta basada en una relacion logica, o de causa - efecto que se encuentra entre las situaciones (o proposiciones) en cuestion.
杉山 あかし
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究科紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.11, pp.1-13, 2005

This article examines the potential of the internet as a public sphere of communication. In the period after the 9.ll terrorist attack in the U. S., five hundred thousand messages were posted in "2-channel", Japan's biggest BBS site. This article examines these messages through a comparison with newspaper articles. The Habermasian concept of the `public sphere' has a twofold meaning, as both the so-called Public sphere in society and as an idealized communication space where rational communicative actions prevail. Accordingly, Habermasian discourse highlights the idea that in proper dialogue situations people can develop their critical ability to be more rational. This article takes this concept as a departure point to critically inquire into the quality of communication found in BBS systems. The initial research findings about the potential for rational communication through BBS are negative. (l) Words included in each posting are too few to discuss anything. The average length of a posting is one tenth of that of a newspaper article. (2) The monthly quantity of postings corresponds to that of newspaper articles, which may mean that there is no original development of discussion. Previously, the author did a case study about the Gulf War in 1991 using a similar methodology. This case study shows that computer mediated communication has the potential to act as an idealized communication space. The average number of words included in each posting was twice as many as that of newspaper articles and the monthly quantity of postings changed independently from that of newspaper articles. Furthermore, a content analysis has shown that there were original agendas deployed in BBS. When the HTML system was invented in 1991, popular computer mediated communication networks were not Internet based, but rather based on personal computer communication. Thus the BBS that was analysed in this article falls into the category of being part of the latter network. To conclude, the Haberrnasian concept can be adopted for an analysis of privileged media and personal computer communication, however for popularized media such as the Internet, the same cannot be said. Thus, in this context the following question arises. How can we expect rationality to progress in society? A theoretical consideration is included in last part of this article that addresses this important question.
Ishibashi H. Diaz-Fernandez R. Carrillo E. Koike H.
比較社会文化 : 九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究科紀要 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.6, pp.37-45, 2000

The hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata is listed the IUCN Red List as critically endangered. At the COP 10 of the CITES meeting held in i997, Cuba proposed to downlist the population of hawksbills from Appendix I to Appendix II to allow limited trade. In this reportδ^15N and δ^13C measurements were used for scute-sourcing, whereδ^13C values allow differentiation between oceanic plankton ecosystems and coral reef ecosystems, and δ^15N values indicate the consumer's trophic level in a regional food web. A total of 118 scute samples were analyzed from the Caribbean Sea region including Cuba, Haiti and Mexico, from the Pacific Ocean region and from the Indian Ocean region. Breeding individuals from Cuba had higher δ^15N vaglues than wild individuals from Cuba, indicating the isotope analysis will be useful for distinguishing the scutes of breeding populations, which will be targeted for export approval under CITES, from the wild populations specimens obtained by traditional fishing. The samples from the Caribbean Sea region are characterized by less negative δ^13C values than samples from the Pacific Ocean region, suggesting a higher dependance on coral ecosystems. The most positiveδ^15N values were from the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean, suggesting a higher dependance on sponges or other animal species.